Thursday, 16 August 2018

Teddy Chiu

- Chinese-Filipino, worked mostly as a director or assistant director, but occasionally made brief appearances in his movies

- Passed away late 2007

As a bartender in his movie Deadringer (dir. "Teddy Page"/Teddy Chiu, 1985)


  1. fun guy to work with worked with him on tri con fire sam jones movie and also worked with him on aka 1990 road to no were and blood ring him and bugsy great guys to work with

    1. Do you still have his contact? I want to ask him about requiring the rights to one of his old films

  2. the best to work for him and bugsy a lot of fun god bless you guys

  3. bugsy passed away i believe 1997 when i went back to the philippines teddy page aka teddy chiu had also passed away the only thing is get a hold of mr. lim but i dont think is still alive maybe try kinvasa films

    1. Hello a daughter of mr.tedmund or teddy judy chiu..i want to ask about my dad pls..

  4. you dad was great man i worked for him 6 times and always had that good feelings and no matter wot the situation was when he was directing i could do anything he was funny one time i asked him which bomb is going off first he said the one right next to you then he just laughed just kidding him and the assistant director his name was bugsy they were best friends good times making them vietnam movies i have nothing but good memories of your dad god bless you and your dad and your family

  5. anytime you want to reach out to free judy il be going back to the phillipines next year 2025 ill be in manila a week
